Kategorie: ET-News ET-News

Autor: StoerFaktoR Verfasst am 14. 09. 2015
ETJump 2.0.5 released

ETJump 2.0.5 released

What is ETJump? ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.

ETJump 2.0.5 is ready! Everything that I wanted is not in but as there were quite a few bugs that caused crashes I decided to release it already.



  • Fixed bugs in timeruns.
  • !listplayers
  • movie_changeFovBasedOnSpeed
    Changes the fov value based on current speed.
    Minimum fov can be set using movie_fovMin
    Maximum fov can be set using movie_fovMax
    Minimum speed (fov will be at fovMin value) can be set using movie_minFovSpeed
    Maximum speed (fov will be at fovMax value) can be set using movie_maxFovSpeed
    The step how much fov will be increased per frame can be set using movie_fovIncreasePerFrame
  • Fixed upmove cheat
  • !listplayers
  • Fixed !mostplayed, !leastplayed, !listmaps
  • Cvars now start with etj_
  • Added !findmap


Download the mod here

Sources: etjump.com - Zero  | wolfenstein4ever.de
