Burg Rabenhorst (+KWmod)

ImageSternschubser publishes his final version of the ET-Map Burg Rabenhorst (+KWmod) - The Allies try on the map to infiltrate a castle on a mountain, to steal secret documents over a weapon.

Respawn Time Axis   20s->25s
Respawn Time Allied 15s->10s
Axis   loses forward spawn forever after first flag capture by allied.
Allied loses forward spawn if flag is captured by axis, but can recapture it.
Sewer gate destroyabele by dynamite -> by Stachel
Spawn-protection zone for allied established.
As axis spawn is unlikely to be under fire there is no zone necessary.



Download or test the Map here

Comments for Burg Rabenhorst (+KWmod)
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# 2 von StoerFaktoR
Try "map rabenhorst_kw"

# 1 von macbeth
i tried to test with the local host but the bsp is not loaded with /map or i keep connecting when i try to start the map

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