Friday 05. 06. 2020 - 19:40 Uhr - Wolf:ET - 17 years old!

= Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory =

= Wolf:ET - 17 years old! =

It was 17 years ago that 'Splash Damage' released their first ever game, 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory'. This classic World War II 'FPS' shooter went on to become a huge success and has continued to be played right up to this very day.

Happy birthday, 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory', may you run for many more years to come!

Splash Damage official website HERE

Source - Wolfenstein4ever - Dexter

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Monday 01. 06. 2020 - 13:38 Uhr - Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Singleplayer

= Wolfenstein News =

= Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Singleplayer =

William Faure has released a video update for his 'Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Singleplayer' project. Here's what William had to say:

"Work is still ongoing, and the project is progressing as expected - so, don't you worry, keeping you in the dark really was intended, especially since I don't want to show too much before you get your hands on the full thing. Please note that this video showcases footage of the current development stage (Pre-Alpha). It's still a work-in-progress, as stated in the beginning.

I'd also like to highlight the fact that the level featured here, Gold Rush, is what I call a "hybrid" mission, since the first half is total-stealth, and the other half is total-action. This gameplay premiere shows glimpses of the first half, the stealth part. The other half, the action part, features elements such as a tank and a few allied characters, which do not appear in the first part showcased here.

Anyways, enough chit-chat. Enjoy the video!"


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zuletzt geändert am 01.06.2020 - 21:09 Uhr
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tuesday 26. 05. 2020 - 20:19 Uhr - RtCW Venom Mod Updated

= Return to Castle Wolfenstein =

= RtCW Venom Mod Updated =

Hellbaron has released an updated version of his 'RtCW Venom Mod'. This modification for 'Return to Castle Wolfenstein' incorporates both singleplayer and multiplayer game modes and is a definite 'must have' for all fans of this classic World War II shooter.


Download the new version HERE

Source - ModDB - Hellbaron

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