Wednesday 14. 12. 2011 - 18:19 Uhr - ET Map: Tel Forest Sniper

Serapis from |Tel|-clan released his first map, tel forest sniper, bot waypoints included.

You can test or download the map here

Thanks to raneb for the information.

It`s nice to see new mappers for our loved ET getting active.

Newsposter: schnoog
zuletzt geändert am 14.12.2011 - 18:21 Uhr
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tuesday 13. 12. 2011 - 07:47 Uhr - Spear of Destiny II Xmas Edition

It’s a Xmas Edition (with waypoints) of the old map Spear of Destiny II, made by =AN=-Duke Life's a Beach - Duke s knife the Spear of Destiny is feared among many.
Last time the Allies were success full in stealing The Spear of Destiny. The Axis HQ have learned where the Allies keep Duke´s knife and gone try to steal it back.
The Axis need to repair the tank, take control over the city and use the tank to break into the bank. If the Axis are successful then the train stands ready to bring them to safety.

Test or download the map here

Source: RtCW4Ever

Newsposter: StoerFaktoR Userinfo: StoerFaktoR Comments (0)(0) Send to a friend Print optimized version 6485 mal gelesen

Monday 12. 12. 2011 - 07:53 Uhr - Future of TZAC ???

It has come to light that the future for TZAC and what has become a cleaner gaming experience for most Enemy Territory players could be hitting some bad times after it was revealed unless TZAC creator Tomislav 'chaplja' Zubcic finds a suitable business partner the project may well have to be shut down.


"There is too much work and time involved and if I don't find a way to generate some half-normal revenue from the site and the whole project, I am going to close it. There were a few offers that would secure some monthly income, but so far nobody was serious enough to make a clear offer on what they want, expect and give back."

TZAC has expanded into other popular titles like Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty 2 and it seems a large portion of the online FPS community now rely on the anti-cheat. TZAC 2.0 is currently in production but with the future of the project blurred, it may not see the light of day.


Newsposter: StoerFaktoR Userinfo: StoerFaktoR Comments (0)(0) Send to a friend Print optimized version 6603 mal gelesen