GGC is back online

Dear GGC-server admin,


during the last days there were several rumors about the future of GGC. Please accept our apologies,  but it wasn't possible to give you any detailed explanations or direct messages earlier, as we had to ensure that the data was secured, restored and working again. GGC-Stream will continue! We are aware about the rumors, but rest assured, these are just rumors.
There are some changes though:
• We have a new web address (GGC-Stream.NET). Please update your bookmarks.
• Because of a new forum software, it is necessary for you, to set up a new password. Use the "Lost password" function found in the forum.
• During the move, we were not be able to work on any tickets or etc, therefore you may have to wait longer for your answer. All tickets, servers and bans have been migrated successfully to our new system and they will be available again shortly.
We apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered. All your tickets, servers and bans have survived the move and are available after a few changes. (If any)
sincerely your
GGC-admin staff
Source: ggc-newsletter | ggc-stream


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