Monday 21. 04. 2014 - 07:35 Uhr - SINNU FROM EE BY NUKITS


ET movie SINNU FROM EE - Great frags, matching sounds and good editing. An all around good movie.

Frags/content performed by Estonia Sinnu & Movie made by Nukits.

cotanct irc@quakenet #crossfire | | #juurviljad




Sources: Wolfenstein4Ever |

Newsposter: StoerFaktoR
zuletzt geändert am 21.04.2014 - 07:35 Uhr
Userinfo: StoerFaktoR Comments (0)(0) Send to a friend Print optimized version 2616 mal gelesen

Thursday 17. 04. 2014 - 16:09 Uhr - Raid Beta 4

===Raid B4===


Magic has released his new Allied-attack map, Raid B4. It's a beautiful looking map, with excellent sound effects and gameplay.


Axis forces are holding the town library as their HQ and the Allies have made plans to make a raid there for the secret stash of gold that the Axis have hidden in a secure vault.  The Allies must escort their truck and fight their way through the town to the library main doors.

Once there, they must find the keycard that opens the vault and then over-power the Axis forces defending the town library HQ. The Allies must then steal the gold and make their escape by truck and escort it all the way to the barge that will ferry them to safety.


Magic would like to thank  Neil, Ailmanki, KeMon , Sage, Loffy, Niek, Dude, Mongo and Avoc for all their help and advice in the making of this map.

Download or test the map HERE


Fixed-Version Download (pls remove the raid_b4.pk3 from your etmain folder and place the raid_beta4.pk3 in your etmain folder -- If you don´t want to replace the raid_b4.pk3, then place the raid_b4_arena_texturefix.pk3 in your modfolder)




Source - Splashdamage - Magic


Newsposter: Motorhead
zuletzt geändert am 18.04.2014 - 20:30 Uhr von StoerFaktoR
Userinfo: Motorhead Comments (0)(0) Send to a friend Print optimized version 3757 mal gelesen

Wednesday 16. 04. 2014 - 06:56 Uhr - Happy B-Day Wolfenstein4Ever

The crew from wishes Wolfenstein4Ever a happy birthday and all the best for the next 8 years...

Keep it up ;)

Newsposter: StoerFaktoR Userinfo: StoerFaktoR Comments (2)(2) Send to a friend Print optimized version 2699 mal gelesen