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RtCW-Map: Base-X2 (Final)

28.12.2007 : 19:45

~ Download ~
Steal the top secret war documents and get to the truck to escape.

RtCW-Map: Oranienburg (Final)

28.12.2007 : 19:40

~ Download ~
Axis have to defend the war documents and the airship.

ET-Map: Tank Escort (Beta 3)

25.12.2007 : 14:55

~ Download ~
The allies have to escort the tank to the office building and destroy the communication transmitter there. Axis have to stop the allies.
[UJE]Niek via MSN | [UJE]Clan
Servers running this Map

ET-Map: Out Cold v3

25.12.2007 : 13:22

~ Download ~
The Mission start on the top of the mountain where the weather isn't very good. The tempature is 30 below. So get your gloves and sweater, it will be breezy out there. The mission is to kill the other team and get them from the mountain. It's a deathmatch so if it breath it die's. Good luck to us all, Soldier
| Servers running this Map

ET-Bot: Bobot v04.06a

25.12.2007 : 00:12
A bobot is a robot (bot), a virtual player directed by a computer. Bots will never replace human players, but you can train with them or against them or even add them to your server.

Bobots are realistic bots. They try to copy the human behavior and the human navigation. Bobot really thinks. Like a human player, bobot can do stupid and good things. It is not necessary that the bots are too perfect. They should not behave like robots without defects.

Download & Info:

--> ET » Bots » Bobot v04.06a

--> Bobot Website (French)
--> Bobot Website (English)
--> Bobot Website (Spanish)

The characteristics of Bobot:
  • Its navigation by network of neurons trained to avoid obstacles thanks to a genetic algorithm (Joc)
  • Intelligent decision taking (rules system, priorities calculation through fuzzy logic) (3ème Type).Bobot constantly has a dozen of decisions to take. Does it have to get fixed up, to look for some munitions, to get or give a pack, to answer back to an attack or reviver a teammate? Does it have to go to a tank rather than to its main goal ? It asses all the possibilities many times per second and it will take the most adequate decision according to the situation. If a bot gets hurt close to its target it will go towards it but if it is far from it and close to a surgery it will prefer getting medical care. If reviving a teammate it gets shot, it will leave the action in order to answer back and only then will go back to what it was doing if it is still alive. It knows how to pursue an enemy for a while and also protect their mate.
  • The complete tank, truck support. A bobot is able to escort the tanks and other vehicles, to get on a tank and use their machineguns. It is able to wait for their team mates rather than leave alone and risk being shot down.
Bobot Website

ET-Tool: Fatmans ET Tools v1.0

24.12.2007 : 14:22
Fatmans ET Pack is a package that consists of 3 programs. It aims for ease of use combined with flexability for an improved Wolfenstein Enemy Territory experience.

Only tested on XP but should work fine on other versions of windows.


--> Fatmans ET Tools v1.0
1: ETKeySwitcher
A program designed for easy switching of your etkey without accidently deleting one

2: ETLauncher
Add servers to a list for quick and easy joining. You can also add cfg files to select each time and applications to load each time.

3: ETPatchSelector
A very simple program to easily switch between 2.55 2.56 2.60 and 2.60b patchesWolfenstein Files - Your QW Signature

24.12.2007 : 14:13
Mit dem Signatur-Generator von GMC'RosenRoth kann man sich einfach und ohne Registrierung seine Stats als Signatur im Forum anzeigen lassen. Es stehen diverses Styles zur auswahl, also dürfte für jeden etwas passendes dabei sein.

Zur Webseite:

Danke an moin moin für den Hinweis

~ Merry Christmas ~

24.12.2007 : 02:12
We wish all our visitors a merry christmas with their family!

Wir wünschen all unseren Besuchern ein frohes Weihnachtsfest im kreise ihrer Familie!

ET-Map: Madbunker (Final 2)

22.12.2007 : 18:45

~ Download ~
The Madbunker. To win the map you have to be the team with most kills. Have fun!

M|A|D [Cambo] via ICQ
| Servers running this Map

QW-Mod: 'Quake Wars: Tactical Assault' v0.21

04.02.2008 : 17:44
Quake Wars: Tactical Assault is a revamp of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars' core gameplay, with the intention of creating a grittier, more realistic environment than the base game, while still telling the story of the Strogg invasion of Earth. While Enemy Territory: Quake Wars tends to be a game of shoot first, often, and charge into the meatgrinder, Quake Wars: Tactical Assault strives to be more of a thinking man (or woman)'s game, where choosing your fights and positioning yourself to prevail carries the day.

Download & Info:

--> Download "QW:Tactical Assault v0.21"
--> "QW:Tactical Assault" Website
"QW:Tactical Assault" Website

ET-Map: KotH Warehouse (Final)

21.12.2007 : 17:01

~ Download ~
King of the Hill: Capture the Flag and hold it for 3 minutes!
m!tch via PM
| Clan *PsL

QW-Mod: Doom Wars v1

21.12.2007 : 16:51
This is a neat mod which lets you play 'Doom' inside 'Enemy Territory: Quake Wars'.

Download & Info:

--> Download "Doom Wars v1"
--> "Doom Wars" Website
Planet Quake
| Planet QuakeWars

ET:QW Patch 1.4 Status Update

21.12.2007 : 16:38
"We know you're all waiting eagerly for the 1.4 update to be released and I've got a brief status update for you. Quality Assurance testing has turned up a few issues with 1.4 that need to be addressed before it can go out the public. One of them is specific to ATI cards, so we're working closely with the guys over at AMD / ATi to get this resolved as quickly as possible, while also making sure that the rest of the update is as solid as can be. We don't expect this to be resolved before the new year, so we're now aiming to release 1.4 in early January 2008.

Despite the update not being out in time, we here at Splash Damage and id Software would like to wish all of you fantastic holidays and we hope you have a great 2008!"
Community Enemy Territory

ET-Map: CTF Station (Final)

19.12.2007 : 09:54

~ Download ~
Axis and Allies have to steal eachothers flag.
m!tch via PM
| Clan *PsL

ET-Map: Eagles 2 (Alpha 6)

18.12.2007 : 19:06

~ Download ~
The Axis has to stop the Allies from retriving a document containing a list of Axis spies in Schoss Adler, also known as the Castle Of Eagles, and to stop them from escaping the country with the document!

This is a remake of Drakir's map Eagles1. It is based on the map source file release by Drakir in 2004. Some objectives have been changed from the original version and several have been added - please check objective list and command map for details. Architecture have been changed and some new strctures added, and game athmosphere is also changed by adjusting lightning and sound. Thanks to Drakir for releasing the map source for this map, I hope players will enjoy this remake but credits should still go Drakir for an excellent map idea and layout.
ailmanki via E-Mail
| Scrupus

ET-Map: Valley Escort (Final)

22.02.2008 : 13:08

~ Download ~
The axis went into an ambush by the allies and the only vehicle was left is the tank. Axis have to escort the tank into the allies base. Then the tank wil blow up the main gate and the axis can destroy the generators. Allies have to prevent this all.
| Servers running this Map

~ ET Christmas Mods ~

12.12.2007 : 15:02
Weihnachten naht und, wie jedes Jahr, sind auch dieses Jahr wieder neue Weihnachts-Mods erschienen. Um die Sache zu vereinfachen gibt es bei uns alle bisher veröffentlichten Weihnachts-Mods in einem Zip zum download.
Screenshots und eine Info-Datei befinden sich im Zip des jeweiligen Mods.


--> Christmas Mods
NEW: Christmas 2007

Hello, last year I collected some stuff in X-mas style and now I packed all files into one pack.


  • Snowball skin instead of grenade
  • Snowman on baserace map
  • Ammo- & Medpack (new model style) with red ribbon
  • X-mas tree Landmines
  • Santa style Mortar bullet
  • X-mas colored: Satchel and construction light
  • Santa hat for both teams
  • Funny X-mas end game music
Hope others can enjoy the holiday also!



  • Christmas 2007
  • Ammo + Health
  • Ammo + Health II
  • Angel
  • Grinch
  • Sackmines
  • Santa Hats
  • Santa Shell
  • Wand
  • X-Mas Helmets
  • X-Mas Minemarker
  • X-Mas Minetrees

X-Mas-Benefiz-Bash 2007

12.12.2007 : 14:40
Auch unsere diesjährige Weihnachtsaktion steht, wie in den vergangenen Jahren, wieder im Zeichen der Hilfe. Wir wollen mit dem X-Mas-Benefiz-Bash erneut unser Vereinshilfsprojekt Kinderhospiz Regenbogenland unterstützen. (

Für alle, die unser Event noch nicht kennen und/oder nicht wissen, was ein Kinderhospiz ist: Seit dem Mittelalter war Hospiz ein Begriff für ein Gebäude, das der Aufnahme von Gästen galt, zu denen immer häufiger auch Kranke gehörten. Es entstanden die ersten Hospitäler. Heute versteht man unter dem Begriff "Hospiz" ein umfassendes Konzept. Sterbenskranke Menschen sollen auch in ihrer letzten Lebensphase daheim sein können. Dies geschieht in der Regel ambulant, d.h. wirklich in der eigenen Wohnung durch Besuchsdienste. Es kann aber auch durch speziell eingerichtete Zimmer in Krankenhäusern und Pflegeheimen geschehen und gilt als gleichrangig unter den genannten. Ein Kinderhospiz im einzelnen ist ein Haus für Kinder, die wegen einer unheilbaren Erkrankung und/oder einer schweren Behinderung nur eine eingeschränkte Lebenserwartung haben. Obwohl in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft der Begriff "Hospiz" die Gedanken an Tod und Sterben weckt, ist die vorrangige Zielsetzung eines Kinderhospizes eine andere, wenn auch der Gedanke an den vorzeitigen Tod der Kinder bleibt. Die Kinder und Ihre Eltern sollen dort eine "Auszeit" von ihrem anstrengenden Alltag und ihren Sorgen bekommen und die so gewonnene Zeit möglichst unbeschwert miteinander verleben. Wir bitten darum jeden, der bei dem X-Mas-Bash mitmachen möchte, eine Spende (sei sie auch noch so klein) zu leisten.Wir werden auch diesmal die Spenden gerne Sammeln und dann auf einmal an das Kinderhospiz überweisen!

Auch wenn man nur einen Euro überweist ist das super! Jeder Cent zählt.
Natürlich dürfen auch die Spenden, die nicht am Bash teilnehmen, aber trotzdem gerne helfen möchten! Macht Euch also bitte Gedanken, ob Ihr mitspielen und dadurch auch mithelfen wollt oder uns halt nur durch eine Spende zu unterstützen. Natürlich können wir niemanden dazu zwingen, etwas für den guten Zweck zu spenden. Aber wir können an Euer Mitgefühl für die Bewohner des Kinderhospiz Regenbogenland appellieren und hoffen, dass Ihr zahlreich mitmachen werdet. Egal wie klein die Spende auch sei jeder Cent zählt!

Zur Anmeldung:
Zum anmelden, einfach eine EMail an: xmas-bash{at}
Bitte gebt darin Euren Spielernamen an und für welches Event ihr euch anmelden wollt.
Die Anmeldung zählen nach Zeit des Eingangs!
Nach Anmeldung Nr.32 kommt Ihr auf die Ersatzbank.
Sollte eine Player ausfallen rückt automatisch Nr. 33 nach usw.
Ihr bekommt dann eine EMail von uns, mit der Bestätigung der Anmeldung.

Der Event startet am 29.12.2007 um 18.00 Uhr (Open End).
Es werden folgende Server zur Verfügung gestellt: Call of Duty2, Call of Duty 4 und Enemy Territory.
Kurz bevor es los geht, erhalten alle Teilnehmer eine EMail mit den entsprechenden Serverdaten.
Als Preis und als kleines Dankeschön gibt es in jedem Event für die jeweils 3 besten Player eine schicke Medaille.

Regeln und Ablauf des Call of Duty2 und Call of Duty 4 Event:
CoD2 startet um 18:00 Uhr mit einem Mammut Deathmatch auf einem 32-er Server. Es werden Runden zu jeweils 10 Minuten gespielt. Die Maps werden vorher nicht bekannt gegeben. Es handelt sich aber um Standard Maps, damit alle mitmachen können. Nach jeder Runde fliegt der Spieler, der die wenigsten Abschüsse erzielen konnte. In der nächsten Runde ist somit immer ein Spieler weniger. Das bedeutet für den Sieger also über fünf Stunden Durchhaltevermögen. Es wird natürlich auch Pausen geben. Wir rechnen damit dass wir gegen 01:00 Uhr damit durch sind.

Regeln und Ablauf des Enemy Territory Event:
Gespielt wird auf einem 32 Slot Server im Last Man Standing Modus. Das heißt, das nach jeder Runde (á 20min.) im Axis und im Allies Team, die Spieler mit den wenigsten Kills ausscheiden (in Spectator Modus gehen oder den Server verlassen). Danach wird geshuffelt. Am Ende kommt es dann zu einem 1 vs 1 und es geht um die Wurst der meisten Kills! Der Sieger wird bei uns (und sicherlich auch auf anderen bekannten Scene Seiten) veröffentlich und bekommt eine Medallie. Erlaubt sind alle Klassen (es wird aber Begrenzungen für Heavy Weapons geben)! Spawnkilling ist erlaubt! Nicht erlaubt ist Infight Selfkill! Das ganze wird von einem Schiedsrichter überwacht. Folgende Maps sind angedacht, können aber nach Abstimmung und Zustimmung des Schiedrichters geändert werden.
Bei 16vs16 bis zum 10vs10 wird die Map Baserace gespielt.
Bei 10vs10 bis zum 5vs5 wird die Map SW Goldrush, Supply oder Braundorf
Bei 5vs5 bis zum 1vs1 wird die Map TE Valhalla, MP Sillyctf oder Braundorf
Wir wollen alle Spaß haben, deswegen hier einige Punkte die nicht erwünscht sind.
- Beleidigungen
- rassistische Äußerungen
Zum Server, dieser wird ab 28.12. erreichbar sein, damit man testen kann.
Der Punkbuster ist an und der Server wird streamen.
Falls Ihr noch Fragen habt E-Mail an: steve-believe{at} oder per PN bei uns im Forum.

Es wird Ersatzserver geben, falls es Probleme geben sollte.
Bei der Durchführung helfen uns unsere Freunde von der
Allen Beteiligten, Helfern und Spendern gilt unser Dank!

Weitere Info's und Anmeldung findet ihr bei uns im Forum unter:
steve-believe via PM

ET:QW 1.4 Update - Coming Soon!

12.12.2007 : 14:00
Christmas is coming up and what better way to spend the holidays than with a brand-new, featured packed game update for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars? That's exactly what we thought and we've been hard at work on the 1.4 update for the game ever since wrapping up work on the previous update.

Wait, 1.4? What happened to 1.3? Don't worry, you haven't missed an entire game update. 1.3 is a smaller update that's limited to the Korean release of ETQW. All other versions are moving on straight on to version 1.4. So, let's have a look at what we have in store for you:

  • Server browser now recommends servers to play on based on campaign status and ping
  • Addition of a training mode for new players
  • New end-of-round screen displays predicted next campaign unlocks and next predicted global achievements
  • Notification whenever you manage to set a new personal record
  • Support for automatic downloading of user-created content
  • Addition of ETQW:TV for broadcasting matches to a wide audience
  • Alternate, simplified HUD
  • Improved player bounding boxes for more accurate headshot detection
  • Improved networking
  • Hundreds of smaller gameplay improvements, balance tweaks, and bug fixes
Read the whole article here.Community Enemy Territory

QW-Tool: Stats Page (SVN Rev 7)

12.12.2007 : 13:55
This is a simple PHP script using simpleXML to create a image containing stats.
It's using the XML files provided by SD.


--> Stats Page (SVN Rev 7)

RtCW-Map: Deathvalley (Beta 1)

11.12.2007 : 01:13

~ Download ~
The Allies have to steal the top secret documents and must escape with the truck, Axis have to prevent this.
RtCW 4 ever!

ET-Prefabs by puRp0se

10.12.2007 : 17:53
Walls without textures, Doors with texture.


--> Doors for Bunkers
Neutral door & Axis Team only door

Prefab for a Small Radiostation with antenna and mesh defense.


--> Radiostation (small)

Prefab of a Hovel.


--> Hovel

Prefab for a small Ammobunker.

--> Ammobunker

Items inside:
Ammo and Health Cabinet
puRp0se via PM

ET-Map: Cluedo 1.2.0

10.12.2007 : 13:51

~ Download ~
Set in the country manor of the board game Cluedo (Clue in the U.S.), there is no real scenario - this is played just for laughs as a break between "proper" maps. Each game lasts about 10 minutes. Axis spawn in the Ballroom (centre top of the map) and Allies in the Hall (centre bottom).

A flag then randomly spawns in one of the seven other rooms. The upper edge of the room's walls glow white when the flag is active inside.

The flag can be captured by either team, giving the white glow an inner blue (allies) or red (axis) core to show the current possessor. When the flag is held for a total of 90 seconds by a team it is secured and removed from the map. The white glow is removed and the inner core remains to show that the room has been fought over and which team secured it.

This process is repeated until one team has secured four flags and is victorious.

Players can move freely between the rooms and enter the cellar. The doors are glass lined so that players are aware of anyone camping the other side, which is legitimate and likely to be the case.

Each room can be entered or exited through its windows, and the four corner rooms have secret passages which link them. Players can also move around and over the building.

Each of the seven flag rooms has a trap which is activated by the lever in the corridor outside the room. Once a trap is activated it cannot be re-used for 30 seconds.

The traps make the interior of the room uncomfortable or downright dangerous for its occupants, which helps to shift players camping the flag. The player activating a trap is teleported to a location outside the room, so he can witness the carnage he has caused.

To make things even more lively, the players will find there are all sorts of places that engineers can plant mines to surprise the unwary...

The action is fast and frantic, with low respawn times to ensure all the players stay in the thick of it.

Recommended for teams of between 2 and 12 per team.
Enemy Territory Stuff
| 2bit

ETServerWatch 2.0 (Final)

09.12.2007 : 23:27
ETServerWatch was designed to manage an own list of Enemy Territory servers. For "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" and "Enemy Territory: Quake Wars"

Download & Info:

--> ETServerWatch 2.0 (Final)
ETSW offers you the following functions:
  • Easy append and delete server
  • Global server list
  • Direct game start and connecting with the selected server
  • Import/Export for ETSW-server lists (without TS-user data!)
  • Import of „The All seeing eye“ and „HLSW“ server lists
  • Status display (Player, Map, Config, Mod)
  • Automatically refresh“ (range selectable, deactivate)
  • Automatically disable all transfers after connect to game-server
  • Pass through for commandline commands to Enemy Territory
Filter for Data:
  • Hide empty/full server
  • Hide inactive server
  • Filter for Mod
  • Filter for playername
  • Filter for Buddy-list
  • Filter for servername
  • Server and player information query on
  • Server and player information query on SplatterLadder
  • Startup of up to 5 server specific applications
  • German and english help integrated (Press F1 for help)
  • Remote of your server with Rcon-console (only ET, ET:QW is planned)

ETSW bietet Ihnen die folgenden Funktionen:
  • Einfaches Einfügen / Löschen von Servern
  • Globale Server Liste
  • Direktes Starten des Spiels und automatisches Verbinden mit dem ausgewählten Server
  • Import/Export Möglichkeit für ETSW-Serverliste (ohne TS-Userdaten!)
  • Import von Serverlisten aus „The All seeing eye“ und „HLSW“
  • Anzeige der Statis der Server (Player, Map, Config, Mod)
  • Automatischer „Refresh“ der in der Liste vorhandener Server (Intervall manuell wählbar, deaktivierbar)
  • Automatisches deaktivieren der Software nach Aufbau der Verbindung
  • Übergabe von Startparametern an Enemy Territory (global für alle Server, spezial für einzelne)
Filtern der Server:
  • leere/volle Server ausblenden
  • Inaktive Server ausblenden
  • Filtern nach Mod
  • Filtern nach Spielername(n)
  • Filtern nach Buddy-Liste
  • Filtern nach Servername
  • Server und Spieler Abfrage bei
  • Server und Spieler Abfrage bei SplatterLadder
  • Zeitlich versetzter Start von bis zu 5 Programmen (selektiv nach Server)
  • Deutsche und englische Online Hilfe hinzugefügt (Aufruf über F1)
  • Fernsteuerung von eigenen Servern mittels Rcon Konsole (nur ET, ET:QW in Vorbereitung)
WolfMap Forenthread

QW-Mod: 'Forgotten Heroes' Announced

08.12.2007 : 02:55
"Forgotten Heroes is a brutally realistic and intense World War 2 online multiplayer first person shooter. Realistic squad based combat combined with extremely intuitive environmental interaction makes for very fast paced, but strategic, combat. Utilizing dynamic mission objectives in completely unique game modes, Forgotten Heroes is set to revolutionize the genre forever." ~Cody64


--> Forgotten Heroes
Cody64 hat im offiziellen ETQW-Forum eine "zweiter Weltkriegs Szenario" Modifikation für ETQW angekündigt. "Forgotten Heros" wird nicht direkt ein WolfensteinMOD sein, sondern soll Aspekte vieler Genres unter dem Deckmantel des Realismus vereinen. Was Dabei raus kommt, wird sich noch zeigen, da erst ab Anfang nächsten Jahres mit den Arbeiten an dem MOD begonnen werden soll.

Quelle: |FaL|*Clan

QW-Mod: Blood Mod 1.0

07.12.2007 : 18:34
"This mod adds simple blood effects to Enemy Terriotry: Quake wars. Though very simple, the effects are (in my opinion) very satisfying. I made this mini-mod as my first plunge into the engine. As I work on other things that I plan on incorporating into my soon-to-be-anounced Total Conversion, I may release other mini-mods like this. If there is enough public demand, I may release another version with vastly improved effects. Anyone familiar with the work I did on Doom Chronicles (Doom 3 Modification) should know that I am very experienced with making particle effects... The effects in this mini mod only took about a minute a piece to make, and I am capable of producing much better work if the community desires it. Also, if the demand is up enough I could add some blood wounds, and possibly blood splatters into the game. However, I would need some help from someone experienced with textures for that." ~Codey64


--> Blood Mod 1.0
ET:QW Files

ET:QW SDK 1.2 Revision 2 Beta Released!

07.12.2007 : 16:25
We've got a new revision of the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Beta SDK for you today.


--> ET:QW SDK 1.2 Revison 2 Beta
This new version has a number of fixes and improvements, including the following:

editWorld fixes:

  • Added Create Brush dialog to allow for precise sizing and positioning of new brushes
  • Removed do-nothing "Subtract" entry from the CSG menu
  • Merged duplicate Camera menu entries in the View Menu
  • Fixed camera window flickering/not drawing properly
  • Fixed preferences not loading in some cases
  • Fixed initial locations of Z and YZ windows
  • Fixed sorting of filenames with different extensions in the file browser
  • Fixed compiler crashing if there was no worldspawn
  • Fixed manually entering patch subdivisions not updating the patch
General changes:
  • Added a few additional models to the model_gallery world
  • Added support for (and generated) a blacklist for materials, atmospheres, etc. so that they don't clutter up the media browsers
  • Merged MegaBuild with the SDK Launcher
  • Fixed warnings when compiling generated scripts
  • Fixed generated scripts not copying all necessary files to fs_savepath

SplashDamage is hiring!

05.12.2007 : 12:46
Splash Damage is looking for new talent fill a number of positions as we start development of our next project. Current vacancies include: A full list of all current openings can be found here.

Please refer to the individual job postings for what we are looking for in potential candidates, what we offer, and how to apply. Splash Damage is based in London, England, accepts international applications and has most recently developed Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars for id Software.Steve 'badman' Hessel via E-Mail

ET-Map: British Bulldog 1.6.0

04.12.2007 : 19:01

~ Download ~
The entire action centres on the race to deliver 6 gold crates into your team's vaults. Engineers are not necessary: there are no dynamitable objectives and nothing to build.

This is a manic romp and not to be taken seriously :)

Gold Crates:
Grab each of your 6 gold crates one at a time and deliver them to the vault. Allied crates from the East cages must go into the West vault, and vice-versa. Similarly for the Axis crates in the North cages to the South vault and vice-versa. Arrows shown in team colours (Allies=blue Axis=red) guide the way for the current objective.

There are four flag poles. They are NOT forward spawn points: instead they function like a Command Post. Each flag captured improves your team's Charge speed:

0 flags = no bonus
1 flag = small bonus
2 flags = better bonus, plus CovOp landmine warnings are transmitted
3 flags = good bonus
4 flags = great bonus

Stars will drop to the ground from time to time. Grab them before they disappear to be granted power-ups and bonuses. Notable powerups are:

Expressway: This provides a launch pad from the spawn point to the opposite side of the map. Handy when the next objective is over there.
Sleigh pad: This provides a jump pad (located at the snowman) up to the flying sleigh. The pad operates only when the sleigh is overhead. When ridden, the sleigh will launch dual panzer strikes at the enemy
| 2bit

~ ET Christmas Party ~

03.12.2007 : 20:42
If you think you've seen all that's possible with ET, you have to watch this movie!
Includes new animations and female characters. =))
A true must-seen!
Enemy Territory Configs